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Writer's pictureMalvika Malhotra

Toothache Day

I am sure after reading the title of the blog most of you are wondering like what..? Seriously.? Toothache Day..? Heard about a lot other days, but why toothache day.?

I guess the answer that I have for it is that maybe because when we have such days we take it a little more seriously with regards to our health. I am sure there can be many other answers and reasons to it, but this one for now.

Do you think there is a particular age for toothache to occur..?

Or just decay/ cavity in tooth or extraction or falling off of a tooth that might cause a toothache? Then, come on let's see a brief of what it is and how it may occur and so on.


Toothache is nothing but the inflammation of the inner most layer of the tooth, "dental pulp" The pulp is made up of blood vessels and nerve endings that are very sensitive to pain.


There are several causes of toothache such as -

  • injury

  • trauma

  • cavity

  • loss/ cracked tooth

  • extraction of tooth

  • cracked tooth

  • sensitivity

  • receding gums (gums start shrinking)

  • periapical abscess (accumulation of pus in the tooth caused due to bacterial infection)

  • nerve in the tooth or around it gets disturbed

You might not believe, but pain due to other reasons or in other areas also tend to radiate to the tooth causing toothaches. The most common areas are - jaw joint, ear pain, sinusitis, migraine, problem in muscle or joints surrounding the jaw, ulcers on gums, periodontal abscess (collection of pus in the gums), sore or swollen gums and sometimes even heart problems.


The treatment for every toothache might differ with every cause of it. It can be from an extraction to filling in the tooth, to a root canal treatment, replacing the filling, etc.

But do not forget, visit a certified Dentist for all the issues to be treated well. Because you do not want to take a chance with your teeth.


The best way to prevent toothache or any other dental issues is keeping both your teeth and gums healthy. What all should be done to keep that in check -

  • Go for timely dental visits

  • Brush your teeth twice everyday.

  • Keep them clean by using mouthwash and floss if necessary.

  • Having a good nutritious diet.

  • Avoid smoking.

  • Avoid consumption of too many sugary foods and beverages.


  • Salt water gargle, one of the oldest methods of treating any oral health issues - cavity, sore gums, plaque, oral ulcers, etc.

  • Peppermint tea bags. The MENTHOL present in the peppermint acts as a numbing agent which helps relieve pain. Peppermint also possesses antibacterial property that help in fighting the bacteria causing the tooth ache. Use them by pressing them under your tooth that is paining or have it as a tea.

  • Garlic is known for it's antibacterial property. Crushed garlic use it in the form of paste and apply it on the affected area.

  • Vanilla extract has antioxidant properties thus becoming an effective healer. Apply the extract directly with finger or cotton ball on the affected area.

  • Clove has a history with the treatment of toothaches. Its ant inflammatory and antiseptic (obtained from the compound EUGENOL present in it) property help in a great way. Use the oil to dab on the affected area or use it as a mouthwash.

  • Guava Leaves also have anti inflammatory and antimicrobial property that can act as an active aid in oral care. The leaves can we washed and chewed fresh or using it as a mouthwash by boiling in water.

  • Wheatgrass is known for its countless healing properties like immune booster, anti inflammatory and antibacterial property (obtained from the CHLOROPHYLL present in it). Can either drink it as a juice or use it as a mouthwash.

  • Thyme has powerful antioxidant and antibacterial property that help fighting bacteria which contributes to the tooth decay. Can be used in its state of oil by direct application on the infected site or added in water and used a s a mouthwash.

  • Onion is a natural antiseptic. Chewing a raw slice of onion under the site of pain helps relive the pain and it also kills the germs present in the mouth.

  • Ginger contains compounds called GINGEROL and RAFFINOSE that possess anti inflammatory property. It helps in reducing oral bacteria and reliving the pain temporarily. Can be used in the form of tea, boiled in the water and used as mouthwash or chew a small piece.


  1. Drink plenty of water.

  2. Eat a variety of foods from each of the five major food groups, including:

  • whole grains

  • fruits and vegetables

  • dry beans, peas and other legumes

3. Avoid sugary foods and beverages.

4. Eat healthy snacks.

5. Include foods rich in Vitamin C, D and Calcium as they are essential for teeth and bone health.

Overall it is essential to have a good oral hygiene and health to avoid toothache. Also, taking preventive measures that are mentioned above are safe under the supervision and guidance of an expert or in any doubts, kindly visit a Dentist rather than making assumptions and trying numerous methods without knowing the cause for the toothache.


TOOTHACHE DAY - Spread the awareness

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